Japan trip 2018
2018 has gotten off to a really great start for the Kai.
In January of 2018, Sensei John Ramirez has made the effort to visit Japan to train directly with the Head of Kan ou-kan Dojo - Morimoto Kunio Sensei after being formally introduced and receiving instruction in the Kan ou-kan arts by Jacob Greasley Sensei of Jikan Dojo (London (UK) representative).
Morimoto Kunio, the president of Kan ou -Kan, is a grandmaster of
Muso Shinden Eishin-ryu Iai Heiho
Oishi Shinkage-ryu kenjutsu
Shibukawa Ichi-ryu jujutsu
Mr.Morimoto is recognized by the Association of Japanese Traditional Martial Arts (Nihon Kobudo Kyokai) and the Association for the Promotion of Japanese Traditional Martial Arts (Nihon Kobudo Shinkokai) as the legitimate successor to and head of Muso Shinden Eishin-ryu Iai Heiho and Shibukawa Ichi-ryu jujutsu.
Mr. Morimoto is a executive board of member of the Association for the Promotion of Japanese Traditional Martial Arts (Nihon Kobudo Shinkokai).
Not only does he teach the traditional Japanese martial arts, but he also studies the history of Budo (Japanese martial arts). He is a member of the Japanese Academy of Budo. He is a director of Chugoku and Shikoku Branch of the Japanese Academy of Budo. So he knows a lot about the history and the philosophy of Budo as well. (http://kanoukan.web.fc2.com/english/representative/index.html).
Morimoto Sensei prepared a very intensive training schedule for Sensei John while he was there, in order to prepare him to become a representative of Kan ou-kan in Trinidad and Tobago.